Normally when you are going to build a version of the compiler you need to go through the CONFIG.H file to ensure that the options are all set as you want them to be for this build. There are a number of files that are provided for building specific variants of the compiler to stop you having to work out for yourself what are valid options within the CONFIG.H file. CONFIG.CHK Version of CONFIG.H that is used when building a Psion 3a/3c version of the compiler that only supports syntax checking (no code generation) CONFIG.GEN Version of CONFIG.H that is used when building a Psion 3a/3c version of the compiler that does support code generation. CONFIG.C86 Version of CONFIG.H that is used under Linux or Windows 95/NT when generating a version of the compiler that is to act as a cross-compiler for the Psion 3a/3c. In addition there are a number of ancillary files that are used when building special versions of the compiler: CONFIG.BAT MSDOS Batch file used to build Psion 3a/3c versions of the compiler. Ensures that correct CONFIG.??? file is copied to CONFIG.H prior to building the compiler. C86.C Special file used to generate the C86.RSS file when building Psion 3a/3c hosted version of the compiler. C86.MAK Files that are used when building a version of C86.MDP the compiler using Visual C++ that is to act as a cross-compiler for the Psion 3a/3c.