Wouter and Tanya’s Excellent Adventure, Part 10

I was planning to pick up some toys in Witbank, so the original plan was to spend half the day in Kruger, then sleep over in Witbank, visit Classic Arms first thing in the morning, and drive down to Cape Town, with time left to sleep over somewhere if needed.

But as I said, ons was uitgekuier, so we left Numbi gate at around five and got to Witbank at 11:00 or so. Hit the road, Bloemfontein around 15:00, Laingsburg at 01:00 (what a cluster, taxis and cars and busses all heading to the Eastern Cape). Other side of the tunnel I just couldn’t go any more so Tanya drove the last stretch home, got here around 04:30 Saturday morning. Just about 24 hours on the road, of which Tanya did two stretches.

4878 km at an average of 6.9 litres / 100km. But the teardrop lefthand tyre is worn down completely, which means there’s something wrong. I’ll have to take the axle in to have it checked out, even with the Namibia trip and a bunch of smaller excursions there can’t be much more than 15k on these tyres and they were new when I started.